Tuesday, July 18, 2017

July 17, 2017 The last melon

Is this really happening?
Yes. This is real. Although it doesn't feel like it and probably won't
until I'm in Walmart alone and turn around to find my companion only
to realize I no longer have one...
But yeah! This week has been extremely insane!

We had zone conference in gran canaria so we flew over Thursday night
and had conference Saturday! Gave my "dying testimony" and heard 9
other fellow missionaries give theirs. It was quite emotional and
didn't feel real. Life is weird.

There's a quote from President Pack that I loved, he said "we are all
baby gods." Haha it was hilarious, but so true. We all have the
potential to literally become God's someday and what are we doing know
to prepare for that? We should act according to the potential we have.

Also had the last exchange of my mission. WITH WHOM? YALLREADY KNOW IT
WAS WITH ELDER REESE. It was epic. We didn't teach any planned lessons
but we had some epic contacts in the street. We found this lady named
Anabel and taught her for about 30 minutes there in the street and
left her with a BoM. It was epic and the chemistry was flowing strong.
We've got flow and that'll be useful in 3 weeks 🏈
But we had a good chat reflecting on our missions. Since day 1 we've
been in every zone together so we've basically had the same mission
and it was really special to reflect on the sweet moments we've had
serving these Spaniards, even though they're a tough bunch.
Had my last interview with President Pack and that was a bittersweet
moment. We talked about my last 2 years and how I felt and he extended
some invitations and we had a good chat.

My thoughts are super scattered right now and I don't know how to
properly write an email like this, and I'd be surprised if anyone
other than my parents and squad is reading this. I just want you all
to know that I know without a doubt that Joseph Smith is the Prophet
of this restoration which continues taking place. Thomas Monson is
God's man on this earth. The book of Mormon is true. IT'S SO TRUE. And
there's no other church upon the face of this earth that completes the
requirements the Bible has set for the true church. But I know these
things are true. I believed all of this before, but know they are
facts. I've grown so much and I'm ready for this next chapter in my
life and to apply these things I've learned! Have a great week and
we'll see you the next one!

Signing out for the last time,
Elder Gearig

Said bye to elder Brock. Lifelong friend and it was tough.

1 comment:

  1. Querido hermano en Cristo,if you really love God and Truth,it is important you too come to know a well known documented truth(even though,hypocrites try to deny it by telling silly tales),that is the book of Mormon is totally worthless(Never a Tribe of Israel went to the Americas to give birth to the Natives-the DNA test denies it-... and far less the Lord JESUS. Truly,the so called original manuscript with the "pearl of great price" were mere lists of obituaries written in the old language of Egypt,which mister J. Smith had purchased in a library,... and the "apostles" in Salt Lake know it well;by the way,'cause mister Smith was a Freemason,many rituals followed in the temples come from masonry-). We have,already,a perfect testament,which you can find it in the GOSPEL(Galatians 1,6-9,Jude 3-4). May the Grace and the Love of our Heavenly Father find a warm welcome in your soul,so that his Holy Spirit can protect you from deception,sin and hell(Luke 12,1-12);until the day-if,you turn earnestly and with humility to our Lord JESUS to get his personal revelation with his forgiveness and holy freedom;and,so,to taste his fellowship with his peace and mercy- you too 'll enter the joy of Paradise. en el amor de JESUS
