first and foremost, shouts to Cody Wright for getting his mission call to where? MADRID SPAIN THATS WHERE!! Stoked out of my mind. Maybe I'll train him that'd be dope.
K my week. Not much happened but me and my boi Elder Reese, my comp from the mtc, were on splits together this week. My best friend out here and we had more fun in this one day than I've had since getting out here. Miracles on miracles as well. Hahah we got out of this appointment late and needed to be at the port by 4:30 to catch our boat, but it was 4:15 and 3 kilometers away and no way we could get there. So we're like "if there's a will there's a way elder" so we take off. No buses around, no taxis. So we're booking it then we come to a fork in the road. "Which way elder?" "Let's go right" so we go right which didn't make sense because it was the opposite direction we needed to go, we turn the corner and BAM! A taxi! We get in "Embargos, Prisa!" So homie steps on it and we were there in 8 minutes. We run in and we are out of cash and they didn't take take cards. 5 minutes. Sprint across the street, fastest atm withdrawal of my life, sprint back in and get our tickets, on the boat with like 30 seconds to spare. It was unreal. If there's a will there's a way my friends. We went across the bay and taught a less active family a bomb lesson. After not teaching with him since eight weeks ago in the mtc, you wouldn't have been able to tell. It was the most spiritual lesson I've been apart of. We walked out and just hugged each other. We were stoked and had a blast. We contacted back and gave each other funny words they had to use so what was mine? Penguin, naturally. (Pingüino en espanol) and I asked these people where the Penguins where and long story short, they took us around for like ten minutes because they felt bad they didn't know where the Penguins where. Adios penguins, they said lol. We talked until 4 am and made pb&js at 3 and just talked about everything. We woke up at 6 to run to this castle and it was unreal how gorgeous the harbor and city looks that early. Needless to say, best day out here for sure. Spiritual thought is from mosiah 26. Talks about being patient and being tested by God. If we persevere through our trials and are patient, God rewards us. D&C 121:7-9 is one of the best scriptures I've ever read. If you're going through a hard time, please go read them. Love you all and enjoy Thanksgiving for us un-americans!
Still giving thanks,
Elder Gearig
FROM LAST WEEK.....(November 16)
Well another week down holy cow.
First and foremost another special shoutout to Alyssa Mecham for joining the Spanish ranks in Guatemala starting March 9th, so stoked for that.
Alright my week my week where to start.... Last p day we went to the beach and bought some dope kites and tried flying them. Took awhile but after mastering the technique I think y'all can call me Kite-Gear. Get it? It's close to Ky Gear but it's different.....
We were in a trio for three days awaiting the arrival of the greenie so that was a lot of fun actually. Except we got stranded in a Pueblo like three hours away and almost missed a video conference with president but we made it luckily. Also D. Todd Christoffersen is coming to Madrid to speak! Except guess who's not in Madrid and can't go?! Me! Yay yay yay! maybe I'll walk 37 hours to go. Probs not.
We were in a trio for three days awaiting the arrival of the greenie so that was a lot of fun actually. Except we got stranded in a Pueblo like three hours away and almost missed a video conference with president but we made it luckily. Also D. Todd Christoffersen is coming to Madrid to speak! Except guess who's not in Madrid and can't go?! Me! Yay yay yay! maybe I'll walk 37 hours to go. Probs not.
Saturday we gave a blessing to this less active guy in the hospital and he cried the whole time and the spirit was so strong. I love giving blessings to people because the spirit is always testifying. Right after we walked past this father and son on a bench and like 2 minutes later we felt to go back. So we went back and talked for about 20 minutes and he told us he had cancer as a kid so it was a miracle he was able to have a child. We're visiting his family this week so we are really excited for that. The Holy Ghost is something else for sure. Yesterday we decided to try something new to get investigators. Church tours! Honestly I didn't want to because I think nobody would want to, but we tried it. I was wrong. It was the funnest day in the field yet. Everyone that walked past we were stalking down like hungry lions and we got a family of 8 (selfie to come) and they loved it. We got this girl from Lebanon too and that was an amazing experience with her. She opened up to us and we bore testimonies and got her contact info
Also not being able to watch the news sucks because apparently something happened in Paris and everyone was talking about it and we had no idea what was happening. We got filled in and my heart broke. We heard it was done by Americans so we decided to not contact because we're Americans and didn't want people to kill us. But turns out Isis (gadianton robbers) strikes again. So so sad.
K spiritual thought. So I found this quote a few weeks ago and with the new church policy I found it fitting. Boyd K Packer from 2004. “I know of nothing in the history of the Church or in the history of the world to compare with our present circumstances. Nothing happened in Sodom and Gomorrah which exceeds in wickedness and depravity that which surrounds us now.
“Words of profanity, vulgarity, and blasphemy are heard everywhere. Unspeakable wickedness and perversion were once hidden in dark places; now they are in the open, even accorded legal protection.
“At Sodom and Gomorrah these things were localized. Now they are spread across the world, and they are among us”-Boyd K. Packer retweet of the week. (Not 140 characters though)
I got the chills reading this because we live in such a terrible world. I've noticed it so much more here in Spain because porn is nothing to people over here. All over the place. But thanks to the Spirit it isn't even distracting. The world is a bad place and we need the gospel more than ever. The church made that policy to protect those children and I support it 100 percent. I support anything from the Prophet and Apostles because it's impossible that they could say something not supported by God. 1 Nephi 11:36 And it came to pass that I saw and bear record, that the great and spacious building was the pride of the world; and it fell, and the fall thereof was exceedingly great. And the angel of the Lord spake unto me again, saying: Thus shall be the destruction of all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, that shall fight against the twelve apostles of the Lamb.
People are running to the great and spacious building and aspiring to the honors of men, so we need to hold fast to the iron rod and follow the prophet.
Have a great week and enjoy Thanksgiving for us people not in America.
Los quieros,
Elder Gearig
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